Upcoming Shows

I don't get out much. Don't get me wrong, I love to travel and see my friends and customers. However, being a small business and responsible for much of the day to day activities, it is hard to get away.  So it is with great anticipation I announce my travel plans for the near future.

Woodworking in America October 12 - 13, 2012 - Pasadena, CA

I have been to most of the WIA shows and have truly enjoyed them. They are well organized, have informative and entertaining speakers and the folks at Popular Woodworking continue to strive to improve the events every year. I am only going to the West Coast show in Pasadena strictly for logistical reasons. The West and Midwest shows are too close together for me and since I have not had a show in California, I am hoping to meet many of my West Coast customers for the first time. I hope to see you there! 

Lie Nielsen Hand Tool Events
I am planning on attending two West Coast shows in early 2013. The Portland, Oregon show is February 8-9, 2013 and the Seattle, Washington show is February 22-23, 2013. Lie Nielsen is extremely gracious to welcome other toolmakers to exhibit at their events.
Click Here for more details.

Handworks  May 24-25, 2013, Amana, Iowa

This new event is going to be so awesome! I can hardly wait.  It is an all handtools event with most every handtool manufacturer planning on attending as well as having great speakers and teachers. This is one you DO NOT want to miss!  Check out the website for all of the details (click on the banner above).  Blue Spruce Toolworks will be giving away a set of Dovetail Chisels and a mallet as an event doorprize. Crazy.

I hope to see you at one of the shows!

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