Blue Spruce News

Announcing our new 4 inch Sliding Bevel!!
Blue Spruce Toolworks is excited to release our new 4 inch Sliding Bevel!!
Announcing our new 4 inch Sliding Bevel!!
Blue Spruce Toolworks is excited to release our new 4 inch Sliding Bevel!!

Just Handle It!
One of our most popular tools is our Dovetail Chisel. It fills a niche for those who need to do precision work and do not want the bulkiness of a...
Just Handle It!
One of our most popular tools is our Dovetail Chisel. It fills a niche for those who need to do precision work and do not want the bulkiness of a...

Fall Preparations
Lead photo by Summer is always a paradox here at Blue Spruce Toolworks. Our sales are predictably slower but we are busier than ever! In addition to making tools,...
Fall Preparations
Lead photo by Summer is always a paradox here at Blue Spruce Toolworks. Our sales are predictably slower but we are busier than ever! In addition to making tools,...

Our New Website Has Launched!!
Blue Spruce Toolworks is getting a new look! Rapidly advancing technology is changing customer expectations when they visit a website. I was also looking for a fresh, clean canvas to...
Our New Website Has Launched!!
Blue Spruce Toolworks is getting a new look! Rapidly advancing technology is changing customer expectations when they visit a website. I was also looking for a fresh, clean canvas to...
Getting ready for WIA
The end of Summer always means it is time to gear up for WIA and the upcoming holidays. WIA is short for Woodworking in America and is one of the...
Getting ready for WIA
The end of Summer always means it is time to gear up for WIA and the upcoming holidays. WIA is short for Woodworking in America and is one of the...
Moving on. What’s up for the fall?
The 2015 woodworking show season was great and I met a lot of new friends and saw some amazing sights. Here are a few highlights from my last two shows...
Moving on. What’s up for the fall?
The 2015 woodworking show season was great and I met a lot of new friends and saw some amazing sights. Here are a few highlights from my last two shows...