Marking Tool System

Classic Marking Knife

Classic Marking Knife with .032" Spearpoint Blade   

Your hand-cut joinery will take a huge leap forward when you stop marking with a pencil and start marking with a single bevel marking knife. A pencil line gives you nothing but a target. A marking knife gives you a physical impression in the wood which guides your saw or chisel. Our Classic Marking Knife features a comfortable contoured handle with an .032" blade held firmly in the handle by a tool-less collet system. If you’re in the middle of a project and need a fresh edge, you can quickly change blades and do all your sharpening later.  

The spear-point blade design works equally well with the reference on the right or left…just flip the knife over to place the flat side against your square or straight-edge. The bevel steers the blade along the reference for perfect placement of your mark.

The Classic Marking Knife comes in your choice of Curly Maple or Cocobolo handles with a polished stainless steel. In addition to the standard .032" blade and collet, the entire range of Blue Spruce Toolworks Marking System blades and collets works with the handle.  Handle is 5" long.

Add the two-pack of extra blades and you’ll always have a fresh edge ready for that critical layout.    

Please note that due to current CITES regulations we are unable to ship African Blackwood, Cocobolo and other Rosewoods or dalbergia outside of the USA. Please do not order these options if your final shipping destination is not in the USA. Thank you for your understanding.   

Note that we make your products to order and lead times can be 4-6 weeks. We will make every effort to get your items to you as soon as possible.

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