New Tools

Coping Saw Chronicles
The lowly coping saw is often the first introduction to woodworking that a youngster encounters. It was for me.
Coping Saw Chronicles
The lowly coping saw is often the first introduction to woodworking that a youngster encounters. It was for me.
A Marking Knife System
Blue Spruce Toolworks is very excited to announce our new Marking Knife System! Different projects can demand different marking solutions. Many times a single bevel spear point blade is best,...
A Marking Knife System
Blue Spruce Toolworks is very excited to announce our new Marking Knife System! Different projects can demand different marking solutions. Many times a single bevel spear point blade is best,...
Staying Square
Sometimes even the best laid plans take time to come to fruition. Such is the case with our new squares. I have been working on them at a slow pace...
Staying Square
Sometimes even the best laid plans take time to come to fruition. Such is the case with our new squares. I have been working on them at a slow pace...
Who was Sloyd and what was so special about his...
Everyone needs a Sloyd knife in their shop. First a little background. Sloyd was not a person. Sloyd is a word derived from the Swedish word Slöjd meaning handiwork or...
Who was Sloyd and what was so special about his...
Everyone needs a Sloyd knife in their shop. First a little background. Sloyd was not a person. Sloyd is a word derived from the Swedish word Slöjd meaning handiwork or...
A Long Time Coming
After a long absence we are pleased to re-introduce our bench and butt chisels. We have changed some suppliers and processes and refined the design. I believe they are better...
A Long Time Coming
After a long absence we are pleased to re-introduce our bench and butt chisels. We have changed some suppliers and processes and refined the design. I believe they are better...
A New Sibling
Our family of woodworking mallets is growing. We are excited to announce the newest member, a 16 oz joiner's mallet. This was known internally as La-Petite as the little sister...
A New Sibling
Our family of woodworking mallets is growing. We are excited to announce the newest member, a 16 oz joiner's mallet. This was known internally as La-Petite as the little sister...