Good Tidings

December 22, 2014

2014 has been a very challenging but fun and exciting year for Blue Spruce Toolworks. I want to give a huge heart-felt thank-you to all of our customers who have supported us both in buying our tools and in words of encouragement.  As many of you know we do not advertise much and depend upon word-of-mouth, or more precisely, word of social media and forums to spread the news about Blue Spruce Toolworks. Thank you to all who have mentioned us in your blogs, posts on forums, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, newsletters and of course the old-fashioned face-to-face talking!  Kim, Tone’ and I are looking forward to 2015 as we strive to bring you even more exciting new products and services to help you do your finest work.

As we enter the week of Christmas, ship the last packages and start to wind down the year, I look forward to spending a few quiet days with my family and celebrate the gift which is the true meaning of Christmas, the gift of love which is Jesus. (John 3:16). I realize that not everyone embraces this gift but it is freely offered to all.  For those who celebrate Christmas I wish you a joyous and blessed one. For those who do not, I wish you a joyous and blessed time with family and friends.

I hope that in 2015 I get the opportunity to meet and talk with you at various shows (I will be posting a list) and if you are ever in the Portland area please look us up. I also plan to do a better job with my blog; not only to inform you of new products but also more practical posts on using your tools to do your finest work. You can also keep up to date on our Facebook,  Instagram and Twitter accounts.  Thanks again, See you in 2015!  Dave.

The post Good Tidings appeared first on Your Finest Work.

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