One year and counting down!!

April 24, 2014

"How many days left Mommy?"   "How many days  Daddy?"  "I can't wait that long!"

About this time of year, when my kids were younger, they would make paper chains and hang them on the wall. The number of links in the chain corresponded to the number of days until the highlight of the year, i.e. the start of summer vacation! The excitement mounted as each link was pulled off the chain. Anticipation was high, the future looked bright, there was hope!

It is time to put together another paper chain, this one only 385 links long!  Blue Spruce Toolworks is very excited to announce that it will be at the 2015 Handworks show in Amana, Iowa on May 15th and 16th 2015. This will be a show that will be talked about for years and you will want to be there! "How many days, Mommy?"

The focus is all about woodworking handtools and techniques. The line up of speakers and toolmakers is awesome. The raffle prizes are amazing. In addition there will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to view the infamous H. O. Studley tool chest and Workbench.

This is an opportunity to see, up close, a work of art that very few people will ever get the chance to see.  "How many days left Daddy?"

The venue is also quite incredible. The show will be hosted in the historic Festhalle Barn in beautiful Amana, Iowa, a restored German community in the heart of farm country.

There are period buildings and shops, antique shops, Ice cream parlors, furniture factories, woolen mills, demonstrations and great German food! "I can't wait that long!"

Start planning now, It will be worth the wait.

Link to Handworks Website:  Handworks

Link to Studley tool chest Website: Studley



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